Living in a post-pandemic world

Jurisdiction: International

How can we use real-time data to assist with the preparation and ongoing management of living with Covid-19 as we progress towards a post-pandemic Australia and New Zealand?

More than a year and a half into the coronavirus pandemic, the world’s nations are now coming to accept that Covid-19 is not going away. With vaccination rates increasing, the number of hospitalisations and deaths from the virus are beginning to come under control. Plans are beginning to be made to progressively re-open the world.

The Australian National University has collated and normalised Covid management data from across Australia through CRISPER (see below for details on CRISPER). This includes up-to-date listings of all Covid hotspot locations. This data has been made available within Confluent Cloud to assist with the challenge.

How can we use real-time data to assist with the preparation and ongoing management of living with Covid-19 as we progress to post-pandemic Australia?

Additional Information:

CRISPER is a collaborative project between:

• ANU Research School of Population Health;
• ANU Software Innovation Institute;
• UQ School of Public Health

Relevant links:

• Company website:
• Developer information:
• Confluent documentation:
• Getting started guides:

Image credit: Photo owned by a Confluent team member.

Eligibility: Contestants should use Confluent as part of their solution and the CRISPER dataset as part of their solution.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Competition 2021.

Dataset Highlight

Australian National University CRISPER data within Confluent Cloud

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Australian Government Aviation Statistics

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WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard

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COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center Datasets

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Statistics and Research data Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

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Covidlive Data for Australia

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