Meeting the needs of vulnerable Australians during a global pandemic

Jurisdiction: South Australia

How can data help us better understand and meet the needs of vulnerable Australians such as older Australians and Australians with a disability as we navigate through the complexities of a global pandemic?

The recent Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety has shown that there are major deficiencies in the care system including difficulty entering and navigating the system, substandard care, and difficulty accessing healthcare and disability services.

Adding to this challenge, the covid-19 pandemic has resulted in additional complexities for vulnerable Australians – for example, the shift towards fully digital services, lockdowns disrupting routines such as face-to-face healthcare visits and general isolation. Without the right support processes in place, it can mean that older Australians and those with a disability are not receiving the right level of care.

Create a solution that helps to address these issues in order netter meet the needs of vulnerable Australians.

Eligibility: Must use at least one open dataset.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

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