Reimagining Digital Government Services

Jurisdiction: Australia

How can we re-imagine digital government services in Australia to enable a seamless experience for people of all abilities.

The rapid digitalisation in the last 18-months due to the global health crisis has required the government to enable digital government services to extend important services to citizens.

The global health crisis has seen people gravitate towards digital government services whether by necessity or choice. Citizens expect the government to enable best in class digital government services for people of all abilities. It’s important for these services to be accessible, responsive, transparent, secure, and importantly connected, enabling a seamless experience.

While working on this challenge, participants are expected to reimagine digital government services and how these could be better made available to citizens by seamlessly integrating services that support people’s needs across life events. Participants will need to think of ideas to deliver digital government services that are simple and personalised across multiple agencies.

The solutions will need to look at accessibility, responsiveness, security, privacy, transparency, and importantly enable a unified experience. For instance, a seamless experience would entail that the system pre-fills and submits your forms when you request it, pre-assesses your eligibility, and makes automatic payments. All this by enabling secure exchange of data and protecting privacy.

The solution needs to look at connecting government services behind the scenes and offer the consumer a seamless way to get what they need and when they need it.

Additional Information:

Image credit: Infosys

Eligibility: Must use at least one open dataset.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

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