Science Tasker

Jurisdiction: International

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to conduct ongoing scientific research which has been hindered by constraints on travel due to COVID-19

Whilst the country has slowed down and been hindered and unable to move around, scientific needs have not stopped. This solution looks to find a way to serve ongoing scientific research that has been hindered by constraints on travel due to COVID-19.

There are various environmental measurements that need to be taken for scientific and research purposes across Australia and New Zealand.

The solution would allow for scientific research agencies to post citizen scientist tasks, such as collect a water sample, tree / leaf sample, video recording of animals at night etc.

Citizens can apply to do the task, and the agency sends out a collection / sample kit and a return satchel.

Citizens will earn badges and points, and move up leaderboards. For original research, significant contributors get recognition on the research paper.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Competition 2021.

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