Water information without borders

Jurisdiction: New South Wales

How do we better bring together information about our water systems across states borders?

Our Eastern Australian water systems run across a number of states. We seek new thinking and creative ideas to innovative ways of bringing the vast amount of available and information together to give Water customers in NSW better information about the entire river system. Data and information is available from different state jurisdictions, agencies and organisation to understand water availability, storage, forecasts, plans and more. How would you bring this together?

Additional Information:

Useful link: https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/independent-reports/water-data-review

Image credit: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

SA Water reservoirs dataset

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SA - Water connect real-time water data

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Water service provider data - Sunwater

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Water Monitoring Information Portal

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Wimmera-Glenelg System - Storage Manager

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Northern Victoria Resource Manager

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Water in your region - Victoria

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Victorian Water Register

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Victoria Water Measurement Information System

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Water Markets Product Information

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Murray–Darling Basin water in storages fortnightly updates

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Barmah Choke trade balance and restriction Datasets

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River Murray Data - Murray-Darling Basin Authority

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Bureau of Meteorology Water Storage App

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Bureau of Meteorology water information

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Bureau of Meteorology Water Datasets

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Challenge Entries

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