Groundwater Catchments (GC)

Region: Victoria

Description: This layer provides the boundaries of the Groundwater Catchments of Victoria and is a product of the NWC funded Secure Allocations, Future Entitlement (SAFE) Project. The Groundwater Catchments (GC) have been developed to provide complete coverage of Victoria while considering the following: (1) Reflect aquifer systems and groundwater movement; and, (2) Align with physical (i.e. surface water) and administrative boundaries where appropriate. The GCs are aligned within Victoria’s Groundwater Basins (GB). Boundaries that related directly or in-directly to the physical characteristics of groundwater resources included groundwater flow divides, surface water flow divides, topographic divides, and geological structural features that influence aquifer extent and groundwater flow direction.


Team Projects Utilising Groundwater Catchments (GC)

cheeseburgers - Liquid

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