Sydney (Digital) - New South Wales

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Digital event

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Event Information

Register to attend the Sydney (Digital) event if you would have been competing at the Sydney location!

This event is now completely digital due to lockdown restrictions that are in New South Wales. The Sydney and the Digital New South Wales events will be linked together. Previous registrants will be emailed about the change. If you've not yet registered, register for this event to receive information on how to participate.

What is GovHack?

GovHack is the largest open data hackathon in the southern hemisphere. Every year, hackers come together to use open government data and create projects that better our lives and communities. In 2021 it will be held on the weekend of 20th - 22nd August.

In 46 hours teams create a project page, proof of concept, and a video that tells the story of how government data can be reused.

How to attend a GovHack event?

GovHack is a free event to attend for all competitors. Simply register yourself for a GovHack event in your region.

Who can compete?

Anyone. You don't have to be over 18 to participate too. You can be a developer, designer, team leader, project manager, or artist! GovHack encourages innovation from all disciplines!

Where can I find more resources?

Go to the GovHack Handbook to have all your questions answered (hopefully).

We also highly recommend you watch the NSW connection event on YouTube.

Where can I get help?

Your local GovHack volunteers are here to help. Register for a Slack account at

To revisit the Slack instance go to Join Slack channel #hack-nsw to ask questions, mingle and receive the latest updates!

You can also ask questions amongst GovHack communities on LinkedIn and Facebook.

New South Wales Sponsors

Region Platinum

Region Event Partner