GovHack Volunteer 2020

Erere Kau mai te awa nui, mai ite kahui maunga, ki tangaroa. Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au!! Ko Vaea toku maunga. Ko te Pasifika toku Moana. Ko toku kainga tuturu ki Whanganui, engari he noho ana au, ki Ngati Poneke (Wellington). No Hamoa me Ingarangi, me Aotearoa ahau. Ko Masina Kenworthy tōku ingoa. I'm Masina Kenworthy, I am of Samoan and English heritage. I have spent majority of my life in Whanganui and consider it home, but currently I am based in Wellington. I come from a background in Youth Work, with a focus on digital literacy. I first became part of the GovHack whānau in 2015 and now 5 years later here I am! I love everything about GovHack but mostly the positive connections, changes and outreach within our communities GovHack allows us to make!
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