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Team Telstars

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Fostering Civic Engagement in the Digital Age

Project Info

Team Name

Team Telstars

Team Members

Syam C , Thiru , Gokul , Arun Abilash , Praveen PL , Prasanna P , Praveen , Kaviya

Project Description

Idea of "Fostering Civic Engagement in the Digital Age through A Community-Led Digital Civic Engagement Hub" in order to understand their democracy, have an opportunity to participate in civic life, contribute to their community, and/or feel a sense of belonging and responsibility.

#civic engagement

Data Story

Fostering Civic Engagement in the Digital Age: A Data-Driven Story

The Challenge of Apathy
- Australian Election Study: Declining voter turnout and political participation rates paint a worrying picture of disengagement from civic life. The younger generation, in particular, is increasingly disillusioned with traditional political processes.
- WVS Database: A global perspective reveals that trust in institutions, including government and media, is eroding, further contributing to civic apathy.
- ACARA data: Despite the importance of civic education, NAPLAN results indicate that student performance in civics and citizenship is stagnant. This suggests a need for more effective ways to instill civic values and knowledge in young people.

The Disconnect and the Digital Divide
- My School: Educational disparities persist across Australia, particularly in remote and disadvantaged areas. This digital divide limits access to information and opportunities for participation, further exacerbating social inequities.
- ABS Education Data: Educational attainment and digital literacy remain unevenly distributed, potentially hindering individuals' ability to engage effectively in the digital sphere.

Opportunities for Empowerment
- ACNC Charity Data Hub: A vibrant civil society sector exists, with numerous charities and community organizations working tirelessly to address social issues. A digital hub can connect these groups with citizens, amplifying their impact.
- NEMA Data: Natural disasters and emergencies highlight the importance of community resilience and preparedness. A digital platform can serve as a vital tool for information sharing and coordination during crises.
- AEC Tally Room & AEDC Data: While election results show areas of high and low engagement, they also highlight the potential for a digital platform to mobilize voters and increase participation.

The Promise of a Community-Led Digital Civic Engagement Hub
- Bridging the Gap: A digital hub can break down barriers to participation, making it easier for citizens to access information, connect with others, and make their voices heard.
- Empowering the Disengaged: By leveraging accessible technology and user-friendly design, the hub can engage those who feel disconnected from traditional civic processes.
- Amplifying Community Voices: The platform provides a space for open dialogue and collaboration, enabling citizens to shape their communities and hold their representatives accountable.
- Fostering a Culture of Participation: By integrating civic education and gamification elements, the hub can cultivate a sense of civic duty and inspire active involvement from a young age.

The data reveals a clear need to revitalize civic engagement in Australia. A Community-Led Digital Civic Engagement Hub offers a powerful solution, leveraging technology to empower individuals, foster community connections, and build a more inclusive and participatory democracy for all. It is an opportunity to transform apathy into action, ensuring that every Australian has a voice and a role to play in shaping their future.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

ABS Education Data

Description of Use Distribution of Educational attainment and digital literacy

Data Set

My School

Description of Use Educational disparities in remote and disadvantaged areas.

Data Set

ACARA data

Description of Use To understand the importance of civic education, NAPLAN results can be used to identify student performance in civics and citizenship.

Data Set

WVS Database

Description of Use To understand the trust in institutions, including government and media

Data Set

Australian Election Study

Description of Use To understand declining voter turnout and political participation rates paint a worrying picture of disengagement from civic life.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Civic participation for a more resilient, cohesive democracy.

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Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.