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Extraterrestrials & Co.

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Evidence of Work

Share Care

Project Info

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Team Name

Extraterrestrials & Co.

Team Members

Tom and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

Against rising living costs, Australian families need more baby and children’s essentials than ever. We Aussies are a charitable bunch, but everyone could be reminded of the community that needs us.

Share Care is a hub for organisations like Roundabout to identify and target potential donors. Explore a dashboard of statistics, trends and heatmaps of our charitable society. Understand what people want, where it’s needed and who can donate. Tailor your marketing based on people’s needs and values.

Share Care isn’t just backed by historical data — it’s powered by people. Users can connect with their local donation centre, subscribe to charitable campaigns and showcase what they’ll be giving back. Help Australia fall in love with the joy of giving.

Help Australia care about sharing.🥰🧸

#donate #children #baby #quantium #roundabout #charity #share #care #logistics #visualisation #web #app

Data Story

Australia needs us
Over 30% of families without jobs have dependent children. Of these families, children aged 0-4 were the most prevalent (31%), closely followed by children 5-14 years old (26%).

The number of jobless families with dependents has remained steady throughout the past two decades, with around 300,000 jobless families with dependent children in Australia today.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (2022). Labour Force Status of Families. [online] Available at:

Australians want to donate
Top causes for charitable donation include helping children (30%) and helping the poor (25%), indicating that Australians are likely to care about donating goods to families in need. Companies should also focus on these reasons in their campaigns.

Top causes for giving include “caring about the cause” (54%), “wanting to help those less fortunate” (41%) and “feeling empowered to create a difference” (33%). Companies can use these points as a basis to their campaigns.

Australian Bureau of Statistics(2019). An overview of charitable giving in Australia #AustraliaGiving. [online] Available at:

Australians are Charitable
Australians have the 8th largest percentage population of people who donate to charities in the world (70%). We love being charitable, but we could be reminded about where to direct our efforts.

World Population Review (2022). Most Charitable Countries 2021. [online] Available at:

Who can give goods, and who should get them?
NSW and Western Australia have some of the highest socio-economic indexes and should be the best places to target donation campaigns.

Queensland and the Northern Territory have some of the lowest socio-economic indexes and should be the most important places for our campaigns to benefit.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (2023). Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA), Australia, 2021 | Australian Bureau of Statistics. [online] Available at:

Who's most likely to donate?
Australian females make 2.7% more charitable donations (30.1%) than males (27.4%). We could target our general marketing to females.

Males donate $224 more yearly to charities ($1048) than females ($824). We could target our marketing to males for costly items.

Donation frequency follows a bell curve around age, with 55 - 59-year-olds donating the most frequently (35.8% of people). We should target our marketing toward the middle-age range, as over 30% of 25 to 60-year-olds make charitable donations.

The amount people donate each year positively correlates with their age, with 55 to 59-year-olds and >70-year-olds donating over $2000 dollars a year on average.

Wealthy individuals donate more often, whereas most people earning over $80,000 donate 40% of the time. However, both low- and high-income earners donate similar goods valued at ~$1000.

People from Victoria and the ACT donate the most frequently, at 36.1% and 31.6% respectively. They also donate a generous amount, at ~$700 per year. However, People from NSW and WA donate the most each year, at ~$1,000 and ~$2,200 respectively.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2021). Philanthropic and charitable donations. Available at:

Future Work
The final goal of Share Care would be to have a complete dashboard of all demographics, and the correlation with their likelihood to donate. These factors could even be combined into a unified Charitability Index, allowing companies like Roundabout to consider all factors at once when finding donors of baby and children's essentials.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

2022: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force Status of Families

Description of Use We used this data set to understand the number of jobless Australian families and the ages of the children they are responsible for. This helped confirm that families across the nation still need our support.

Data Set

2019: CAF Report on Australian Giving (referenced by the ABS)

Description of Use We used this data set to understand why Australians are motivated to give. This data could help roundabout target the values of potential donors.

Data Set

2023: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Socio-Economic Indexes for Locations in Australia

Description of Use Wealth is positively correlated with charitable giving. We used this dataset to understand the socio-economic indexes of areas across Australia, helping us identify which areas may be wealthy enough to make donations, and which areas may have struggling families that need support.

Data Set

2021: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Philanthropic and Charitable Donations

Description of Use This data set was pivotal to our project. We used it to analyse the kinds of Australians who donate the most frequently, which Roundabout can use to target charitable campaigns.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Finding potential donors to support families in need

How can we identify where families who might have second-hand baby and children's goods to donate live, and estimate the volume of goods that could be donated to families in need through organisations such as Roundabout?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Creative Use of Data in Response to ESG

How can you showcase data in a creative manner to respond to ESG challenges? How can we present and visualise data to stimulate conversation and promote change?

Go to Challenge | 33 teams have entered this challenge.