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Team Energetik

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

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Team Name

Team Energetik

Team Members

Tew , Rafeed , Jewel , Ayaz

Project Description

Energetik is a revolutionary app, in the energy sector, that brings in gamification and reward-based systems to reduce user's month electricity bills using machine learning models, which ultimately contributes to saving the earth from global warming . By tracking the green house gas emissions, Energetik hopes to use human behavioural strategies, for example positive reinforcement technique , to motivate users to think about how their actions can help their finances and also the environment. At the moment, we as human beings are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemics. Finally, Energetik provides COVID-19 relief, keeping in mind of the "impacted" citizen based on their credit history prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, to suggest them alternative payments by redeeming rewards and generating the delayed instalment payment plans.

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Problems we identified

  • Environment is suffering from global warming due to greenhouse gases.
  • There's no incentive for energy consumers who are limiting energy consumption used for the betterment of the environment.
  • Customers are unable to predict the bills beforehand.
  • How can we provide payment schemes for the COVID-19 impacted Australian citizens?
  • How can we help the COVID-19 impacted Australian citizens to financially recover?


  • AI models that forecast future bills for the user aiding the budget and planning
  • Reward System that incentivizes users to take actions to be more green
  • Covid-19 Payment schemes for impacted citizens based on their credit rating history
  • Application that analyses price and demand patterns of energy to reduce energy consumptions during peak times

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Tech-Stack used

  • React.js, TypeScript, CSS-in-JS, Mapbox, Python, Machine Learning(Time Series and Linear Regression)

Future Scope

Due to the nature of GovHack, there were many features we thought of and would love to implement, but did not have time for. These include:

  • Expanding our research and analysis on Water and Solar resources
  • Integrating our application with smart home devices like Google Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa to extract data and find insights that help both consumers and the environment This is a alt text.
  • Based on the energy consumption, the application will recommend when and what energy source to switch which can consume fewer resources

#covid-relief #saveenergy #gogreen #globalwarming #smarttechnology

Data Story

Energetik's main aims include to aid user's decisions that help them manage their finances, motivate users to go green, and provide Covid-Relief schemes to support impacted Australian Citizens to let them transition to covid-normal. In the process of this project, we have aggregated datasets from open data sources like,,, and to find the factors affecting energy consumption and utilize machine learning techniques to make bill predictions to aid the users to manage their budget. Energetik has used more than 10,000 data points combined to analyze the price and demand patterns during peak hours and found that there are certain hours in the day that are cheaper for the user to use electricity, and found that certain weather conditions significantly affect the user's energy consumption. Moreover, the data has identified certain sources of energy and their correlation with weather conditions.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Redcliff weather station dataset

Description of Use To find how various weather conditions affect air temperature and created a Machine Learning model to predict air temperature. So that it can be used to forecast electricity consumption.

Data Set

AEMO Price Demand Dataset for NSW and VIC

Description of Use To identify price and demand patterns with respect to hours of the day.

Data Set

Weather condition and energy consumption dataset

Description of Use To find the correlation between energy and weather conditions.

Data Set

Average Electricity daily consumption based on LGA

Description of Use We used this dataset to compare the average daily usage of electricity in the neighborhood LGA.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.