Entries to Digital Economy

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Digital transformation is not about technology it's more about how people live and work With Digital transformations local companies are able to compete with the global players and it's time for QLD govt and major business to look towards local Small and mid scale enterprises for digital serv...

Go to Project | Gold Hackers

DigiKey 🔑

  # DigiKey DigiKey is a web app and API that provide a safe and secure way for Australians to share their data, as well as receive timely information that is relevant to their health, lifestyle and travel within Australia. DigiKey believes that for all Australians to feel safe and connect...

Go to Project | Big Sunday


iDriveSafe is a smartphone application concept that uses GPS to allow you to safely navigate through Queensland roads. It uses Queensland data sets of motor vehicle accidents and the cause, to generate hazardous locations across the state. The app is designed to safely alert drivers of the hazard...

Go to Project | Team 1552

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