New Zealand Challenges

Being More Sustainable: Travelling using the most sustainable route

We all know the effect on climate change from CO2 emissions. How can we translate this into tangible action made by a citizen, that they know is making a collective impact?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Digital Future – New Zealand

How can New Zealand lead its effort to build Digital Skills, Education and Employment?

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Engaging with SmartView-Go: Encouraging interaction between citizens and their city

The city council wants to encourage higher interaction between citizens of how people feel about the city, share education on their constraints on resources, and provide a platform to reward citizen action.

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping Business understand the value of an online presence

Making relevant data and information available could help businesses make decisions about investing in digital and having an online presence such as a website or using digital tools to improve their business.

Go to Challenge | 1 team has entered this challenge.

Making Reaching Out Easier

Sometimes when you are down or not feeling 100% mentally, reaching out for help can be a bit daunting and overwhelming. Using open data, how you can make the Support Systems currently available to people more accessible, user friendly, understandable and easy to access.

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

Most creative use of open data

This challenge is about being as creative as you possibly can be using any open data available under any of this year’s themes. Think outside the box and create!

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Solar Panel AI: How can we encourage citizens and businesses to move to cleaner energy?

The goal is to identify and segment all the building roofs of a city and identify which way they are facing (a roof could be segmented by identifying the ridgeline). This information could be later on stored into a GIS and be queried to filter all the roofs facing a certain orientation to the sun. It is important that we optimize sun exposure for north facing roofs. This information will help energy companies, councils and others to identify where solar panels could be installed and evaluate the potential in the city.

Go to Challenge | 0 teams have entered this challenge.

The future of industry in regional New Zealand

In an increasingly digital world, technological changes, innovation and the future of work are shaping the future of New Zealand’s industry sectors, particularly in our regions. Furthermore the transition to a clean, green and carbon-neutral New Zealand will transform how we do business. Using historical data and trends, can we determine what sectors may be the big players in regional Aotearoa in the next 10 years and where investment should be made today?

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Using AgTech to tackle climate change

New Zealand's economy relies on our environment and the primary production it supports, such as farming, forestry, and fishing. However climate change will affect what and how much New Zealand can grow or harvest, both on land and in the sea. How could Agricultural technology (AgTech) and open data work together to help Aotearoa be future-ready for the changes to come?

Go to Challenge | 1 team has entered this challenge.

International Challenges

Hack for a Circular Economy

In order to build a more sustainable community, how might we redesign, rethink, repair and repurpose spaces, places, materials, and digital infrastructure, systems and policies within cities in order to progress social, natural and economic development?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

Health and wellbeing of autistic people during a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of people all around the world. Studies suggest that there is likely to be a much greater impact for people with autism spectrum disorder, as the pandemic directly affects social functioning and everyday routines.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Living in a post-pandemic world

How can we use real-time data to assist with the preparation and ongoing management of living with Covid-19 as we progress towards a post-pandemic Australia and New Zealand?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

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